Downtown Manchester Special Services District: Commissio... The Board of Commissioners for the Downtown Manchester Special Services District has adopted the 2025 Meeting Schedule. These meetings a...
Town of Manchester is Hiring an Economic Development Spe... The Town of Manchester is hiring an Economic Development Specialist. Please CLICK HERE To see the job listing and information. SUMMARY O...
Free Course for Businesses: Managing Money in Your BusinessThis program offers a free interactive course designed to empower small business owners with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive...
Downtown Manchester's Annual Butterfly Stroll!Join Downtown Manchester as we kick off our Summer 2nd Saturday Weekends with the Annual Butterfly Stroll and celebrate Manchester's rec...
Call to Artists: A STEAMPUNK ART EXTRAVAGANZAArt enthusiasts, history buffs, and those with a penchant for the extraordinary are invited to immerse themselves in the whimsical world...
Sponsor a Downtown Banner!New banners will soon brighten Main Street! Each year Downtown Main Street is lined with colorful banners, welcoming motorists and pedes...
Call for Nominations for Downtown Manchester Special Ser... The Downtown Manchester Special Services District (DMSSD) is the special taxing district of Downtown Manchester.DMSSD is a formal cooper...
Facilitating Conversations about the Downtown Manchester... The Downtown Manchester Special Services District is excited about the Town of Manchester's commitment to making updates and improvement...
Downtown Manchester Special Services District Annual MeetingThe DMSSD Board of Commissioners will host the annual meeting on Wednesday, 1/17/2024 at 8 am at WORK_SPACe. All meetings are open to th...
Downtown Manchester Special Services District 2024 Month... The Downtown Manchester Board of Commissioners holds monthly meetings. The meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8am. M...
Downtown Library SurveyOver 120 Manchester residents attended two community input sessions held in October and gave their ideas about and vision for a 21st-cen...
Share Your Ideas for the New LibraryThe Town of Manchester would like your input as we plan for the new Main Library! Please join us at one of these sessions to learn about...